Thursday, September 6, 2012

Now I Remember.

For the last couple years I have become so disenchanted with politics, I used to be a rabid politic junkie.  Remember "George" magazine?  I had a subscription.  I couldn't wait to get my monthly copy and read amazing columns by Paul Begala, Al Franken, and yes, even Ann Coulter.  Remember the insane covers...Cindy Crawford dressed as George Washington?  Drew Barrymore dressed as Marilyn Monroe?  George Clooney dressed as Thomas Jefferson?  John Kennedy Jr. was a co-creator, they created a magazine that made politics hip, sexy, funny, and relevant.  It addressed domestic and foreign issues in a way that was comprehendable and even entertaining.  It was the adult version of Tiger Beat magazine for me.  In 1997 I even took a trip to Washington D.C. with my best friend, we sought out restaurants where senators and congressman were known to hang out...because we were obsessed and excited about everything political.  We were informed.

I cried the night George W. Bush was elected president the first time.  I was terrified for my children and for our country.  I knew this meant we would be going to war and I could hardly bear the thought of our young men fighting a battle that wasn't ours.  I knew he would blow the budget off the charts with his tax cuts and insane military spending. Of course, no one could foresee 9/11, but I could feel that we were in a lot of trouble.  By his second term election I didn't care anymore.  I was tired, beat down and disillusioned.  I wondered why there were people in this country who would vote for this man... again!  I didn't much like half this country and could not stand to talk politics with anyone as it always turned vitriolic, awkward.

I voted for Hilary Clinton in the 2008 primary, I still believe she would be an amazing President and I hope she chooses to run in 2016.  She has been a brilliant Secretary of State.

I voted for Barack Obama, I was excited and definitely hopeful.  I became a little disillusioned about halfway in.  I wanted our troops to come home.  I wanted my house to be worth more than I paid for it.  I was impatient.  I knew that this was a mess left by our former president, I knew it was a big, stinkin' mess, but I wanted it to go away...Now.   I was naive and idealistic.  President Clinton helped me with that last night.  Cleaning up messes is a lot harder than making them, it takes time and cooperation to get it done quickly.  Unfortunately President Obama was bound by a republican agenda to make sure he was a one term president, they seemed not to care about what was best for the country but what was best for their party.  Heartbreaking.

My zeal, passion, excitement for politics is back in a big way.  I remember why I loved President Clinton, I remembered what I know we can accomplish, I remembered why I love being a democrat.  I remembered that I still have hope. 

Tuesday, June 19, 2012

I'm Alive.

I'm back, did you miss me?  Nothing has changed, for the worse or the better.  Which is good, I guess.  I'm not sure how many kids lived with us a year ago, but now the number is 4.  One 24 year old who pays rent, one 22 year old who not only doesn't pay rent, work, or help out in any way shape or for.  He also snatches any cash that an unfortunate person might leave laying around the house, which is apparently how he makes his living.  He is going to school, that's a plus.  Liv is still at school, Jack and Grace are still going at it and Jack's hormones are still raging.  We still have the dog and the cat, the fish died and we replaced it with a guinea pig, which is a really gross little thing I have to say.  Like a chubby, tail-less rat.  If you're on the fence, I'd recommend you not get one.

June in Seattle is still gawd-awful.  Schools out on Friday the 22nd and we are heading to Boise and then back down to Utah to visit Gramma and Grampa in Arches for the 4th of July.  Yay!  I can't wait to get out of Mossville USA and smell those Russian Oaks.

I wish I could bring all the kids (jk) but it looks like it might just be Grace and Jack.  Even Jack is iffy - he hates car rides and we hate him on car rides as well.  So yeah.