I'm always surprised when I'm asked how many kids I have and I hear myself say 5. FIVE. five. Cinco. It's funny because when I hear of someone else who has 4 or FIVE children
I'm always like "Wow!...oh wait". I secretly wish I could have more. No one who knows me would be surprised, but then they all know I'm crazy like that. Never a day goes by that I'm not thankful for them all. It makes our house loud, messy, and often stinky (that's mostly the animals we share our space with...including the dead rat living in our living room wall). I'm not so sure Mike is as grateful as me, but he handles it better than anyone I know could. I don't honestly know what I'll do with myself when my nest is empty. I seriously can not go there and, thanks to our nutty and inspired decision to have a baby together, I won't have to for at least another 10 years. And, by then there will be grandbabies. Me: Yay!! Mike: Not Yay!! Too bad, I win.

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