Today we went up to school to find out which lucky teacher will be Grace's third grade teacher this year. Ever since we found out that her kindergarten teacher switched to third grade this year Grace has been chanting "not Ms. Sch******l, not Ms. Sch*****l" under her breath like that Brick kid in The Middle. Which in my world meant that there was no chance in hell that she was getting any teacher other than Ms. S. It's kismet baby. In saying all this, what I am NOT saying is that Ms S. is anything other than completely lovely. Truly. In Grace's head it's really that she is being taught third grade, which she has stated recently is really the first "cool" grade, by her kindergarten teacher! The horror. It's probably like getting a call that you have won a fabulous prize only to find out that you have won a season ski pass...and you DON"T SKI. (not that I am still bitter about that) First there is excitement and then there is sadness, followed by anger and, apparently, resentment.
Anyhoo, the hater part is that I couldn't help but notice that every kid staring at that list hanging on the door was hatin' on some other poor, not-present kid, with statements like "NOOOO, not Eric, he pooped his pants in 1st grade!" or NOOO, not Bill! He totally has ADHD!" or NOOO, not Sookie, she likes Bill and totally uses Hannah Montana quotes CONSTANTLY to impress him." That last one was actually real, and, yes, I have changed the names to protect the innocent. And, by the way, Sookie should totally like Eric, he's way hotter. But, I digress.
And I'm mad that True Blood isn't on this week. Why are we skipping for Labor Day?? That's so lame. Still disgressing... Hope your heel heals soon, Liv. I love you!
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