Wednesday, September 15, 2010

I'm feeling crafty

Fall always brings me to a strange place.  I feel the icy fingers of depression starting to pull at me, I have a hard time sleeping with the anxiety that accompanies the depression and thus have a really hard time getting out of bed.  I start craving carbs and more wine and chocolate.  I start looking forward to Halloween, which is one of my favorite holidays (maybe the creepy darkness matches my mood?), and Thanksgiving (a carby, drinking holiday?).  I live in abject fear of Christmas, seven kids = a budget-busting, stress-filled month.  I'll post later about my goal of trying to enjoy Christmas this year and changing the way I mentally and actually handle the gifting situation. 

Fall seems to intensify my obsessive-compulsive, controlling tendencies.  Poor family.  I'm just plain crabby.  Bitchy.  Moody.  Intolerant.  Inpatient.  It's not really a good time to touch me...seriously.  I can handle the little ones, in fact I sort of crave their affection, it's simple and asks nothing of me. 

Before this post turns into a more major (I know) downer I will shift to some of my ideas for coping with the afore-mentioned situation.  Crafts?  Let's see...keeps my hands busy, keeps my brain busy, has a positive result (!?), and it's an alone thing, which I really like.  Baking?  I do have that shiny red mixer sitting on my counter top waiting for me.   Also keeps my hands and brain busy and results in a happy family.  All good.  Reading?  Yeah right.  All I have to do is sit down and even appear to be relaxing and I am accosted by well-meaning hordes of people (of all sizes and ages).  Plus my kindle broke on our road-trip, which I have been too depressed about to even address.  Gah.

So...I have decided that my first crafting project will be this...

How to make bunting  

I love bunting.  How cute would this be hanging in Grace's window...purple, green, and blue.  Or hanging in Jack's room in patterns of plaid and stripes.  Or in Halloween prints, or over the Thanksgiving dinner table, or strung over the Christmas tree?  How about in Sun Devil colors for Liv's dorm room!  It's creative and cheap and fast.  I like it.  Now I just have to dust off my sewing machine, go to the fabric store, go the the stationary store, find an uncluttered spot in my house, and find the time.

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